Trial no.:
PACTR201908589835132 |
Date of Approval:
26/08/2019 |
Trial Status:
Retrospective registration - This trial was registered after enrolment of the first participant |
Public title
Premenstrual syndrome and exercises |
Official scientific title |
Effect of resistive exercise versus whole body vibration on premenstrual syndrome |
Brief summary describing the background
and objectives of the trial
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized by a cyclic occurrence of intense physical, cognitive, behavioral and somatic symptoms in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. These symptoms interfere with normal activities, reduces work efficiency and educational productivity, incresase absenteesism from school and disturb interpersonal relationship and social activities. In recent years, there has been a focus on finding accessible, acceptable, and cost-effective therapeutic approaches with minimal side effects to treat the symptoms of PMS |
Type of trial |
Acronym (If the trial has an acronym then please provide) |
Disease(s) or condition(s) being studied |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Sub-Disease(s) or condition(s) being studied |
Premenstrual syndrome |
Purpose of the trial |
Treatment: Devices |
Anticipated trial start date |
29/04/2014 |
Actual trial start date |
01/05/2014 |
Anticipated date of last follow up |
29/10/2014 |
Actual Last follow-up date |
29/10/2014 |
Anticipated target sample size (number of participants) |
30 |
Actual target sample size (number of participants) |
30 |
Recruitment status |
Completed |
Publication URL |