Trial no.:
PACTR202001816232398 |
Date of Approval:
06/01/2020 |
Trial Status:
Retrospective registration - This trial was registered after enrolment of the first participant |
Public title
Assessment of dietary diversity and nutritional support for HIV-infected children in West Africa, the WADANUT study |
Official scientific title |
The WADANUT study |
Brief summary describing the background
and objectives of the trial
In 2014-2016, a nutritional intervention was proposed to HIV-infected children, receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) or not, in care <10 years of age, with caregivers’ consent, in 5 HIV pediatric clinics, in Benin, Togo and Côte d’Ivoire. Weight deficiency was assessed using two definitions: wasting (Weight for Height Z-score [WHZ] for children<5 years old or Body-Mass-Index for Age [BAZ] for ≥5 years) and underweight (Weight for Age Z-score [WAZ]) according to the WHO child growth standards. Combining these indicators, we defined 3 categories of nutritional support: 1/ children with severe malnutrition (WAZ and/or WHZ/BAZ <-3 Standard Deviations [SD]) were supported with Ready-To-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), 2/ those with moderate malnutrition (WAZ and/or WHZ/BAZ = [-3;-2[ SD) were supported with fortified blended flours produced locally in each country, 3/ those non malnourished (WAZ and WHZ/BAZ ≥-2 SD) received nutritional counselling only. Children were followed monthly over 6 months. Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) using a 24h recall was measured at the first and last visit of the intervention. |
Type of trial |
Acronym (If the trial has an acronym then please provide) |
Disease(s) or condition(s) being studied |
Infections and Infestations,Nutritional, Metabolic, Endocrine |
Sub-Disease(s) or condition(s) being studied |
Purpose of the trial |
Physical activity and nutrition |
Anticipated trial start date |
01/01/2016 |
Actual trial start date |
01/01/2016 |
Anticipated date of last follow up |
31/12/2016 |
Actual Last follow-up date |
31/12/2016 |
Anticipated target sample size (number of participants) |
500 |
Actual target sample size (number of participants) |
326 |
Recruitment status |
Completed |
Publication URL |